Entwurf einer Selbstversorgerhütte zur Entschleunigung in der Natur im Zeitalter urbaner Hektik.
architecture // interior architecture // off the grid
cabin // wood // resource-saving // clean living
27 qm
6 month
solo work
Gesundschrumpfen / downsizing
A frugal lifestyle made itself felt in me and those around me. Since then I have had longings for simplicity, human needs, satisfaction, values, consumption, ethical and moral concepts of environmental awareness, time, pressure to perform, money and society and applied them to my design.
Take your time, become still, slow down, perceive more consciously, enjoy more, be offline, not be at the mercy of the daily struggle for availability. It's better to take off your smartphone, close your laptop, take your bike and ride into the nearby green. Ultimately, this work is a plea for conscious downsizing. For those who want to get away from the hustle and bustle. Let's start .....